Monday 21 May 2007

Nintendo DS not Divine anymore

Last weekend we had my nephew sleep over. He brought is black Nintendo DS with him so he could play against my son. When his father first heard about the DS he immediately thought about the Citroën DS. Here the letters DS are spoken in the French way and sounding like (la) Deèsse, or the goddess. At the time, it seemed fitting of such a beautiful car. And in a way that's what the Nintendo DS is as well, a beautiful designed little handheld console. However, like the original DS, this DS can break as well.
My nephew and my son really got some quality time out of their DS's. And even after my nephew left, my son kept on playing. He has the habit of folding the screen completely open, instead of stopping at the first click. Perhaps he can view its contents better this way. He even has that habit when the screen is already completely open. And on Saturday evening, the cumulative force of all those openings became too much: the right hinge broke off completely.

So after he broke my G4, he broke my DS. Poor boy. He was so upset about it that I did not dare punish him.


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