Thursday 19 April 2007

Catch that tune (I want to get on)

Just this morning when sitting at my desk at work, a colleague dropped by and started to ask me something. Now, I completely forgot the question, but what I do remember is that I had to turn off my iPod to hear him out. During our conversation, the song that I stopped in the middle off, kept on playing in the back of my brain, repeating itself over and over. It was (and still is) a happy sounding song and so I told my colleague about it. Somehow he was unhappy with the fact that I mentioned the song, because just mentioning it made sure it stuck in his brain too.
Half an hour later, with the song still firmly planted in my head, I head down to the coffee corner where I overhear my colleague saying: "I have this song in my head which I cannot get rid off. Someone sang to me "I'm crazy like a fool. What about daddy Cool?".

Let's hope that by tonight the whole company is singing Boney M.


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