Wednesday 15 August 2007

Mac Pro even screams Rosetta

Rosetta, named after the famous Stone of Rosetta, is the emulation layer that allows applications written for the PowerPC architecture to run on an intel processor. And every emulation layer is more code to process for the processor, so most of the time the emulated program runs slower than the native program.

However, on switching from a 1.42GHz DP PowerPC PowerMac, to a Quad-core 2.66GHz intel Mac Pro, the rosetta applications run noticeably faster on the Mac Pro than on the PowerMac. In fact, I would even say that their performance is screaming. (Now I know what Steve Jobs meant when he said that the Intel macs are 'screamers').


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Logisch toch... die Mac Pro is zoveel sneller dan de G4. Ik merk op mijn MBP wel duidelijk verschil tussen een Universal applicatie en een via Rosetta gedraaide applicatie. Rosetta may scream, but Universal whisks!