Wednesday 27 August 2008

Sloppy Brits spill data beans

The past year or so, I've heard plenty of reports on UK institutions losing data to the public. This latest article is of a bank selling an old PC on eBay without properly destroying the data on it. Somehow I find it difficult to believe that these type of accidents only happen in the UK. Why wouldn't it happen in other European countries?

So, the big question here is: "Are the Brits very sloppy with their data, or are they just not so good at covering it up?"


Monday 18 August 2008

No iPhone for me

Lately, I've been looking more and more seriously at the iPhone. T-Mobile started carrying it on the 11th of July and its subscription fees are not so horrendous as to make it improbable for me to even consider it. Switching to the iPhone would make me pay roughly twice as much on a monthly basis as my current T-Mobile subscription, which is steep, but then again, I plan to use the data access a lot more with the iPhone than compared with my current phone.

However, a short trip to the T-Mobile store confirmed that I have to wait until my subscription ends before I'm allowed to pay T-Mobile more money on a monthly basis. And since my subscription ends somewhere in 2010 this means no iPhone for me. The bright side of this is of course that all the current 3G-issues plaguing the iPhone will be solved, presumably to be replaced by new issues for new features.

So no iPhone for me (for now),


Friday 8 August 2008

Mac is Back

Last week, I bought a new MacBook Pro. Unfortunately, there were some issues with the keyboard and the multi touch trackpad. When typing heavily, sometimes the keyboard and trackpad would stop working. A bluetooth mouse however still worked and a reboot cleared the issue. The console.log file displayed things like:
Aug 4 14:18:21 zaafBook kernel[0]: AppleUSBMultitouchDebug: data length is 0 in enqueueData
Aug 4 14:22:37 zaafBook kernel[0]: AppleUSBMultitouchDriver::_deviceGetReport: DeviceRequest (interface 0, reportID 0x0) returned error 0xe00002ed
Aug 4 14:22:37 zaafBook kernel[0]: AppleUSBMultitouchDebug: _deviceGetReport returned an error in configureDataMode

After having had to reboot six times in two days because of this, I got tired of it and went back to the shop. Here they declared it DOA (Dead On Arrival) and could I please provide the box it came in? Unfortunately, the box had fallen victim to our belated spring cleaning activities and was already lost to mankind. This meant they had to replace the topcase, which took them until yesterday to fix.

I've been playing with my MacBook Pro for a few hours and I've not yet seen the issues I was plagued with. So I'm happy to see that my newest Mac is Back,
