Saturday 25 October 2008

Who is the scariest?

(Yet Another American Politic Post)

I don't trust Senator Barack Obama, somehow I think he's to glib. The way he seems to convince more than half of the American electorate by eloquently reiterating a message of hope and change, without any real substance to it, scarce me. And if he can do that, I'm sure that he can convince people of anything.

Just my two cents.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The American people need hope and change. Futhermore, Obama handled the financial crisis much better than McCain, who seems prone to flying with the winds of the day. Besides, if you had seen the final debate you would have noticed that Obama gave better, more thought-through answers than McCain, and was therefore chosen the winner. And last but not least: would you like the combination McCain/Palin in the White House? Politics should not be a stupidity/ignorance contest.