Monday 9 July 2007

Holidays are coming (holidays are coming, ...)

The holidays are upon us. The kids are off from school for the next six weeks and, boy do they need it. Last Friday afternoon marked the end of this school year and my kids were in a hyper-active frenzy. Shouting and yelling and not a moment of peace and quiet in their buts. On Saturday we had friends over for lunch and they brought their kids so the four of them could release a bit of their penned up activity.

But since the kids are off for six weeks and we poor adults can take only three weeks, we have some weeks to take care of. So that's why my in-laws came on Sunday morning. They have abducted our two precious kids for the coming week. Luckily, they had a good nights rest and their frenzy had worn of a bit. Now my eldest is on a 4-day knights course with is grandpa and my youngest is on a 4-day Dame course with her grandma. That left us with a whole Sunday-afternoon at our disposal.

So we went to an outlet centre to buy some clothes for the coming holiday where my wife completely astounded me by buying both a pair of jeans and a pair of shoes in less than half an hour. Apparently, we are so tuned to do everything very efficient that when the moment is there to relax, we have to do that quick. And always, in the back of our minds, we keep a look-out for the kids. Even dinner went quick. We went out to a pizzeria where we had both a pizza and a desert. And at eight 'o clock, we were home again. Which would be almost in time to put the kids to bed.

Anyway, it will be interesting to see how we will cope with being childless again for the rest of the week.


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