Friday 14 March 2008

Do The Album Shuffle

It appears that I was wrong about one part of the iPod app on my new iPod Touch. The order of playlists is preserved. This means that, with great help of the intertubes, I was able to create an applescript that shuffles my albums in random order, but leaving the song order in tact. This applescript creates a playlist called Random, or if that exists, removes everything from it. It then takes the playlist "All Albums" and adds the albums for every song to a list. It skips the album if the album of the previous song had the same name. For this to work, the playlist has to be sorted on album of course. It then takes a random album and counts the number of songs on it and if there's more than one song in the album, it's added to the playlist.

If you're interested, you can find the script here.

Have fun,


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