Friday, 24 October 2008

How many candidates do you know?

In the US presidential race, there are six primary candidates. However, somehow only two have access to the presidential debates on television. And since the US president is chosen based on the ammount of TV-airtime he or she has, this seems like censorship. The debates are organized by the Commision on Presidential Debates and somehow they ony let in democratic and republican candidates. To understand why, I did a little search and came up with the following; The Commision on Presidential Debates is bipartisan, meaning it is owned by the Democratic and Republican parties. None other is allowed in. So that's why almost everybody outside of the US thinks that the United States have only two political parties where in fact they have many.

This feels like censorship to me,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's not cencorship, it's corruption. The whole American political dance revolves around corruption. That's what you get when corporations are allowed to spend unlimited amounts of money on their favourite candidates.