Monday 4 June 2007

Lost Game (not over)

I'm the proud owner of the iPod game LOST, which I bought because my wife and I are watching the series. We've currently finished watching season 1 and The Hatch has just been blown of. The game starts on the beach and pretty much follows the plot of the series, meaning that the tasks you get set to perform in the game are those that Jack has to do in the television series. This also means that you can get ahead of the game story by advancing in the game.
Up till now, the game has been pretty straightforward because I've seen the episodes. Now, however, I'm getting to the point where the game play is getting ahead of the TV play and it's decision time. Do I play the game ahead of the TV or not? I guess it all boils down to what holds more entertainment value:

  1. Play the game to get ahead on the TV or,
  2. Watch the TV and play the game until you've advanced to the TV story.
To me, watching LOST on the TV holds more value than playing the game on my iPod. This is mainly because I don't like the excellent storytelling of the TV series be spoiled by knowing things in advance. So, for now I'm going for option 2.


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